How do I download the HHAeXchange+ Mobile app?

HHAeXchange offers 2 versions of our app, HHAeXchange and HHAeXchange+. Note the plus sign in the name of the app and ensure you are referencing instructions for the correct version of the app.

Visit the HHAeXchange page on the Apple App Store or Google Play to install the app.  

Apple - App Store 

Google Play 

Include the plus sign as a part of the search for HHAeXchange+ Mobile app.

HHAeXchange+ app in Apple Store

HHAeXchange+ Mobile app in Apple Store

HHAeXchange+ app in Google Play

HHAeXchange+ Mobile app in Google Play

After downloading the mobile app, you must use the app to Sign Up with HHAeXchange and connect to one or more Agencies/Employers.