How do I use Chat to communicate on the app?
HHAeXchange offers 2 versions of our app, HHAeXchange and HHAeXchange+. Note the plus sign in the name of the app and ensure you are referencing instructions for the correct version of the app.
If your agency uses this feature, you will see Chat on the navigation bar at the bottom of the Menu. A bubble counter shows the number of chat sessions with one or more unread chats.
When you tap Chat from the Navigation Bar at the bottom of the page, the MyChats and optional topics tabs are displayed.
Depending on how your agency sets up the MyChats tab, you can:
See a list of one-on-one chats started by an agency user.
Respond and continue conversations on those chat threads through MyChats. You can't start chats from the MyChats tab.
Find unread messages labeled with a New icon.
View your most recent chat message at the top of the list and labeled with a time stamp.
Tap any message to open the chat thread on the MyChats tab.
In an open chat thread, you can:
View your agency user's name in the header and see agency messages on the left. Your responses appear on the right.
Enter up to six lines of text. Tap the Send (paper plane) icon to send the response message.
Topics are defined and activated by your agency. The app only displays the Topics tab if your agency enables a topic. On the Topics tab, you can start a chat about a selected topic, such as General, Patient Issue, EVV, Scheduling, and Mobile App.
A bubble counter in the Topics tab header shows unread chats within a topic. When you select the Topics tab, a list of available topics is displayed.
Unread messages are labeled with a New icon. The most recent chat message shows up at the top of the list.
Tap a topic to start a communication thread or to respond to an existing conversation. The app puts a timestamp on each entry in the chat to show when you sent it. The topic title appears in the page header. In the chat thread, the icon to the left of the chat message includes the agency user's initials, as several users may respond.
To send a Topics message, type the message in the text window and tap the Send (paper plane) icon.