How do I create Visit Notes?

HHAeXchange offers 2 versions of our app, HHAeXchange and HHAeXchange+. Note the plus sign in the name of the app and ensure you are referencing instructions for the correct version of the app.

You can attach a note to a visit for future reference. Follow the steps below to enter a visit note.

  1. From the bottom of the Visit Details page, tap Add Note.

  2. Select the Note Type.

    • Text Note: Up to 1000 characters.

    • New Camera Image: Opens the phone's camera, allowing you to take a photo and add a description of up to 500 characters.

    • File: Opens the Search page to browse the phone for a file to attach.

    • Voice Note: Opens a recorder where you can record and save audio comments.

  3. When your note is ready, tap Save.

    Add Note

  4. From the Visit Details page

    • Tap the attached note to view it.

    • Tap the Edit icon to edit an attached note.

    • Tap the Delete icon to delete an attached note.