Duty List Setup
Use the Duty List Setup page to manage Plan of Care (POC) Duties.

To create a new Duty List, click the New button to open the Duty List Configuration page. Enter a Configuration Name in the field and select Active in the Status field. Click Save.
Once saved, the Office(s) field appears under the Status field. Click the Edit link to assign Offices to the newly created Duty List.

To access an existing Duty List, click the Search button to locate the applicable Duty List and click the Duty List Setup Name link from the Search Results.
Once selected, the Edit Duty List Configuration page opens. Click the Add button to add a new Duty or click the Edit icon to update an existing one.
On the Add Duty window, complete the required fields, as follows:
*Duty Code: Enter a 3-digit code the Caregiver enters to register duty.
*Duty Name: Enter the name of the duty.
* Duty Category: Select the duty category.
Status: Select Active or Inactive