Services Portal Visit Verification Tab Information

The Verification tab is comprised of two sections: the Services Portal information section and the Shift History table within the section. The table below describes the fields related to the Services Portal information.

Visit Verification Tab: Shared Services Portal Information



Shift Status

The most recent type of status update performed.

Shift History

The historic table of shift status updates.

Change Status

(Link) Select Approval Locked or Denial Locked for a shift status. Approval Locked locks an approval for a visit into place and overrides any previous shift status. Denial Locked locks a denial for a visit into place and overrides any previous shift status.

Note: If a visit is billed, Approval Locks are not allowed.

If Share Visit Info with Services Portal is enabled for the related Contract Service Code, then the Shared Services Portal information displays in Services Portal section in the Verification tab for a Patient using Self-Direction services, as seen the image above.

If Require Services Portal Approval is enabled, then authorized Provider Coordinators can lock shift approvals and denials in the Verification tab. Click the Change Status link to deny or approve a shift status, as seen in the image below.

Visit Verification Tab: Change Status to Denial or Approval Locked

The following table defines the fields in the Shift History section.




The date and time when the shift status change occurred.

Transitioned From/To

The updated transition from one shift status to another status.


The Portal or Provider Coordinator responsible for updating the status.


Supporting notes written by the actor pertaining to the status update.