Create an E-Billing Batch
Visits that have been invoiced and reviewed can be included in an E-Billing Claim batch. Claim files can be compiled and exported from HHAeXchange and delivered electronically to the Contract or Clearinghouse. Complete the steps below to export a claim.
Go to Billing > Electronic Billing > E-Submission Batches.
The E-Submission Batches page opens. Select all applicable Contracts and click theAdd Original Claims button to create a new batch.
The Add Original Claims E-Submission Batch page opens. Select the Contract. The Batch Number and Batch Date fields automatically populate. Click Add Claims to select specific invoices to include in the claim batch.
On the Claims Search window, use the filter fields to narrow an invoice search. Click Search to generate results.
A Claim Search page opens. There are several options to select claims to add to a batch. A light-blue banner appears across the search results specifying the number of selected claims as well as a total number of eligible claims to select from the search.
Click a specific row checkbox to select individual claim(s).
Select the header checkbox to select all the claims on the current page. Selecting this box does not select all claims in the search results.
Click theall eligible claims link on the light blue banner to select all eligible claims in the entire set of search results across all pages.
If a visit is held on the Billing Review Exception page, it displays an alert icon and cannot be selected until the exception is resolved. Hovering over the alert icon displays the reason for the hold.
Select the claims and click Add at the bottom of the page.
The selected claims now appear on the batch page. If any of the invoiced visits require a Delay Reason Code due to delayed invoicing, select one from the corresponding dropdown. Visits older than the value in the Visits Older Than field have the selected reason added to the claim file.
To adjust any of the selected claims, click theEdit icon
and make updates. To remove a visit from the batch, click theDelete icon
. Once all selections are finalized, click the Save Batch & Export button at the bottom of the page.
The system creates the batch and prompts the user to name the file and save it locally. Submit the file to the Contract or Clearinghouse.