PMPM CDPAP Services Billing for New York

This topic applies to agencies who must bill monthly administrative fees for PMPM CDPAP services.

Reimbursement for FI Administrative Costs is made on a three-tier (Tier) FI PMPM rate structure. Each Tier represents a range of actual direct care hours of CDPAP services for the Member for the month the FI PMPM is billed; allowing an agency to bill a monthly administrative fee.


Rate Code

Number of Direct Care Hours per Month per Consumer

FI Monthly Reimbursement



1-159 Hours




160-479 Hours




480 Hours and above


There are no changes to your normal HHAeXchange workflow for billing and paying these direct care visits. Keep in mind that health plans may change reimbursement rates and what is billed for these hours may no longer include any administrative reimbursements.

The administrative reimbursement (the PMPM) is billed once a month. The following are recommended practices:

  • Submit the FI PMPM claims no earlier than the first day of the month immediately following the month for reimbursement for claimed services and no later than 90 days following the last day of the month the claim is being submitted for.

  • To submit an FI PMPM claim, the FI must have also billed for at least one hour of direct care services for the consumer during the month for which the FI PMPM is being billed.

The Actual/Confirmed Hours for Internal and Linked Contracts section applies to Linked and Internal Contracts where PMPM billing was not in place prior to August 1, 2024.

For Internal Contracts where PMPM billing has been in place prior to August 1, 2021, continue the usual process. Refer to the Internal Contracts Prior to August 1, 2024 section below for instructions.