Universal Billing Codes
For Agencies who are following the Medicaid mandate which requires separate billing codes for Weekdays and Weekends, the HHAeXchange system accommodates Providers who are implementing Universal Billing Codes. The system enables Providers to create and split Authorizations by selecting a Day Type allowing the use of a single Service Code for Weekday, Weekend, and Holidays.
The Specific Date Type field in the Patient Authorization page and the Holiday and Weekend Code functionality in the Service Contract Code window is covered in this section.

In the Patient Authorization window, the Specific Date Type checkbox below the Max Unit for Entire Auth field allows one to create Weekend, Weekday, and Holiday Authorization limits. This checkbox is only visible if the Period type selected is Daily or Weekly. The option hides if any other Period type is selected such as Monthly or Entire Period.
When the Specific Date Type checkbox is selected, the Weekday and Weekend radio buttons populate underneath. By default, Weekday is selected.
If Weekday is selected with a Daily Period, then weekdays Monday through Friday are enabled while Saturday and Sunday are unavailable.
If Weekend is selected with a Daily Period, then Saturday and Sunday are enabled while the weekdays (Monday-Friday) are unavailable.
Holidays can be created with either the Weekday or Weekend authorization options.
If the Period type value is changed, the Specific Date Type checkbox and Weekday/Weekend radio buttons reset to default settings.

Auth 1 has been created with a Weekly Period and 40 Max Unit per Period for the month of April. The Specific Date Type is checked with the Weekday radio button selected.
Using the parameters selected above, a Master Week is created with visits of 2 hours per day.
Upon Master Week rollover, the Authorization is only applied to visits according to the selected Specific Date Type field.

Auth 2 is created with a Weekly Period and 40 Max Unit per Period for the month of March. The Specific Date Type is checked with the Weekend radio button selected.
Using the parameters selected above, a Master Week is created with visits of 2 hours per day.
Upon Master Week rollover, the Authorization is only applied to visits according to the selected Specific Date Type field type Weekend.