Expense and Supply Overview

This functionality is intended to invoice expenditures and apply items to payroll that are not categorized as visits. Agencies must work with HHAeXchange to ensure Electronic Billing and Payroll file exports are properly configured in order to be accepted by Payers and Payroll Providers. Contact HHAeXchange Support Team for details, setup, and guidance.

The Expense and Supply functions allow Agencies to bill Payers and reimburse Caregivers for items that are associated with a Patient’s care but are not directly related to a visit.

Type Definition


include any costs incurred by a Caregiver while providing service. The cost may be included in an invoice and billed and/or as a reimbursement via Payroll.


include items or work provided by an Agency related to a specific Patient’s case. Supplies may be invoiced and billed.

For example, if a Caregiver purchases bandages for a visit, the purchase may be logged as an Expense. The Expense can then be included as a billable item in an Invoice and as a payable item in payroll. If the Caregiver received bandages directly from their Agency, it would be logged as Supplies instead.

This category covers the setup and use of the Expense, Supply, and Mileage Event functionalities.