Billing Dashboard
The Billing Dashboard captures vital numbers pertaining to the billing and invoicing process of an Agency. The Billing Dashboard organizes information according to Coordinator teams. Information is provided by selecting either Visit Date or Invoice Date in the Filters section to the right of each of the selected sub-dashboards.
While the Billing by Invoice Date displays financial information, the Billing by Visit Date selection displays the same data based on visit dates, which is essential from an operational perspective.
This section covers the Billing Dashboard offering descriptions and functionality of each section.
Refer to the Navigating Dashboards section to learn how to navigate in this dashboard.

The billing cards for the homepage are described in the following table. To drill down on a specific area from the Billing Homepage Dashboard, click the Navigate icon of a card to access the next set of cards and widgets. Refer to each subsection below for descriptions.
Card |
Description |
Total Billed $ | Total amount billed for the current week in comparison to the prior week. |
Total Not Yet Billed $ | Total amount not yet billed for the current week in comparison to the prior week. |
Average Billed Per Patient $ | Average dollar amount billed per Patient for the last week in comparison to the prior weeks. |
Total Billed Hours | Total billed hours for the week in comparison to the prior week. |

On the Billing Dashboards, a Date Type filter field is available to select if to display the information by Invoice Date or by Visit Date. This filter field is available for all Billing Dashboards.
While the Billing by Invoice Date displays financial information, the Billing by Visit Date selection displays the same data based on visit dates, which is essential from an operational perspective.

Average Billed Amount per Patient cards are described in the following table.
Card |
Description |
Average Billed Amount Per Patient | Average billed amount per Patient for the current week in comparison to the prior week. |
Average Hours per Patient | Number of average hours per Patient for the week in comparison to the prior week. |
Average Number of Hours per Visit | Number of average hours per visit for the last week in comparison to prior week. |
# of Billed Visits | The number of billed visits for the week in comparison to the prior week. |

Total Billed Amount cards are described in the following table.
Card |
Description |
Total Billed $ | Total amount billed for the current week in comparison to the prior week. |
# of Billed Visits | Number of billed visits for the week in comparison to the prior week. |
Total Not Yet Billed $ | Total amount not yet billed for the last week in comparison to the prior week. |
# of Average Hours Per Visit | Average number of hours per visit for the week in comparison to the prior week. |

Total Billed Visits cards are described in the following table.
Card |
Description |
Number of Billed Visits | Number of billed visits for the current week in comparison to the prior week. |
Average Hours per Number of Visits | Number of average hours per visit for the week in comparison to the prior week. |
Total Billed Hours | Number of total billed hours for the week in comparison to prior week. |
Total Amount Billed | The billed amount for the week in comparison to the prior week. |

Total Not Yet Billed Amount cards are described in the following table.
Card |
Description |
Total Amount Not Yet Billed | Total amount not yet billed for the current week in comparison to the prior week. |
# of Visits Not Yet Billed | Number of not yet billed visits for the week in comparison to the prior week. |
Total Billed Amount | Total billed amount for the last week in comparison to prior week. |
# of Billed Visits | The number of billed visits for the week in comparison to the prior week. |

The Billing Homepage Dashboard provides a Growth Table that offers metrics by Payer. To access, click the Show Growth Table button at the top-right corner of the Billing Homepage Dashboard screen.
The Growth Table shows billing metrics by Payer, as seen in the image below. This information can be filtered by Visit Date or Invoice Date, selected from the Date Type field in the Filters section.
Click the Home icon at the top-right to return to the Billing Homepage Dashboard.

Average Billed Amount per Patient widgets are described in the following table.
Widget |
Description |
Average Billed Amount per Payer |
Compare the Not Yet Billed Amount by Payer. Click one or more bars to focus on specific Payers. From the Change Dimension dropdown field, select by Payer, Caregiver, Contract, Office, Service Code, or Coordinator to view specific details. Click the View Data magnifying glass icon |
Number of Patients by Billed Amount |
Displays the number of Patients by billed amount. |
Average Billed Amount per Patient by Week |
This line graph displays a trend of the average amount billed per Patient by week by Contracts. Select one or more specific Contracts from the Add Contracts into Chart dropdown field to view a comparison. |

Total Billed Amount widgets are described in the following table.
Widget |
Description |
Billed Amount by Payer |
Compare the Billed Amount by Payer. Click one or more bars to focus on specific Payers. From the Change Dimension dropdown field, select by Payer, Caregiver, Contract, Office, Service Code, or Coordinator to view specific details. Click the View Data magnifying glass icon |
Billed Amount by Visit Duration |
Displays the amount billed by visit duration (in hours). |
Billed Amount by Week |
This stack graph displays the total amount billed by week by Contracts. Select one or more specific Contracts from the Add Contracts into Chart dropdown field to view a comparison. |

Total Billed Visits widgets are described in the following table.
Widget |
Description |
Total Billed Visitsby Payer |
Compare the Total Billed Visits by Payer. Click one or more bars to focus on specific Payers. From the Change Dimension dropdown field, select by Payer, Caregiver, Contract, Office, Service Code, or Coordinator to view specific details. Click the View Data magnifying glass icon |
Authorized vs Billed Visits |
Displays the number of Authorized visits vs Billed visits by Contract. |
Total Billed Visits Over Time |
This stack graph displays a trend of the total billed visits by week by Contracts. Select one or more specific Contracts from the Add Contracts into Chart dropdown field to view a comparison. |

Total Not Yet Billed Amount widgets are described in the following table.
Widget |
Description |
Not Yet Billed Amount by Payer |
Compare the Not Yet Billed Amount by Payer. Click one or more bars to focus on specific Payers. From the Change Dimension dropdown field, select by Payer, Caregiver, Contract, Office, Service Code, or Coordinator to view specific details. Click the View Data magnifying glass icon |
Not Yet Billed Amount by Visit Duration (Hours) |
Displays the number of Not Yet Billed Amounts by visit duration in hours. |
Not Yet Billed Amount Over Time |
This stack graph displays a trend of the total amount Not Yet Billed by week by Contracts. Select one or more specific Contracts from the Add Contracts into Chart dropdown field to view a comparison. |