Mobile App Caregiver Time Edit Corrections

The HHAeXchange Mobile App currently captures real-time Caregiver EVV via FOB or GPS methods. If EVV confirmations are missed, or do not accurately reflect the Start/End times of services, then Agencies can allow Caregivers to submit a request using the Mobile App to update Start and/or End times for service.

In the request, the Caregiver must provide the reason for their manual time correction, with any additional notes. A Patient signature is also captured at the time of the correction. These requests are received in the system where an authorized Office User approves or rejects the request.

  • If approved, then the visit is updated with the requested times and the visit reason and the new Confirmed Time is approved.

  • If rejected, then the Caregiver receives a note on the Mobile App, and the Confirmed Time remains unchanged.