Enterprise New UI Crosswalk
This topic covers the high-level changes made to the User Interface (UI) of the Enterprise system. The new screens include colors, buttons, and labels that now align with the HHAeXchange look that meets accessibility standards. While the look is new, most of the functionality across the system remains the same.
Click here for an interactive demo of the New UI Crosswalk.

The top navigation is the same consisting of Home, Patient, Caregiver, Visit, Action, Billing, Report, and Admin modules, as seen in the following image. The navigation menu remains static across the top to easily toggle between modules.

At the top-right corner of the navigation menu, Click the person icon to open the user information section. This section shows the User (username), the Agency, Agency ID, and the system environment. This section also displays the number of unread messages for the user under the Message Center and System Notifications.
Under the Need Help? section, click Support Center to access the HHAeXchange Knowledge Base homepage offering needed assistance by way of documentation, videos, FAQs, and direct access to the Technical Customer Care section.

The system opens directly to the Home page, showing the Username at the top. In the new UI, the various sections are now under tabs rather than listed as sections in one page. The tabs include Placements, Events, System Notifications, Direct Messages (formerly Messages), Tasks (formerly To-Do’s), and Linked Communications. The Placements tab opens by default.

As customary in the classic system, System Notification alerts display upon successfully logging in. In the new format, all issued notifications appear with a right scroll to indicate multiple unread messages. From here, users can choose Leave as Unread or Mark as Read and Close.
Messages are moved to the System Notifications tab, where users can search for all notifications (in Open and Closed status).

Across the different modules, there are several key differences designed to meet accessibility standards. These differences include:
- Larger pages with spaced out fields and larger font provide more visibility. As with functionality, most fields have remained the same. Scroll to desired sections to view. Some pages or tables may require horizontal scrolling to view row details.
- Icons have replaced the various actions (formerly links or buttons) such as Edit, Delete, and History. Icons are blue over the white screen, as seen and described below.
The Edit icon is a pencil icon, replacing most of the edit actions.
The Delete icon is a trash bin, replacing the red and white X icon (
The History icon is a clock with a round back arrow.
The Upload (Attachment) icon appears as a page with an up arrow. The menu selection to the right of the icon provides the option to Upload a Document or View History.
The Update icon appears as a refresh icon (circular arrows).
The Print icon is a printer.
- Buttons are now larger and easier to read. Buttons may appear in blue or light blue to execute an action such as adding (as seen in the following top image). Red buttons appear to caution before proceeding, such as when deleting (as seen in the bottom image).
12-Hour Time Format: Agencies can request to have the 12-Hour time format configured, rather than using the mandatory 24-Hour format used in the classic system.
Dollar-Based Authorizations: A Dollars authorization option has been added for Self-Direction Service Portal clients who do not bill in hours or units. A Dollar-Based Service Code must first be created before creating the authorization.

In the new UI, the Patient header, located at the top of the page is large and encased in a blue section. The Patient Name is prominent in large white font, and status displays to the right of the name as a label. This header remains static while navigating in the Patient’s entire profile.
The Edit button is now at the top of each page for easier access to edit information. The Save button remains at the bottom of the page.
On the Patent General page, the Update Patient Status button has been moved to the top, to the left of the Edit button.

The Office Move section has been added to the Patient General page allowing agencies with multiple offices to move a Patient from one service office to another. Certain parameters apply. Please refer to the Patient Office Move topic for details.

As with the Patient module, the same changes have been applied to the Caregiver module. The Caregiver Profile page displays the Caregiver header and relocated Edit button.
The Save button appears at the top-right of the Profile after clicking the Edit button.

The Mobile App Settings section in the Caregiver Profile varies depending on the configuration for the agency. Some agencies have been migrated to the newer HHAeXchange+ version while some are using the classic Caregiver Mobile App.
- In the classic version, the Caregiver provides a Mobile ID (issued by the app at registration) to the agency to link the app with the system.
- In the HHAeXchange+ version, the system generates an Activation Code and the agency sends to the Caregiver to link the app with the system.
Refer to the Link Caregiver Profile with Mobile App topic for full details and instructions.

Several changes have been applied to the Master Week function in the new UI, described in the following subsections.

The Update Calendar button has been moved to the top-right of the Master Week for better visibility.
Click the Update Calendar button to open the Update Calendar window to apply the new date range to the Master Week. Click Update to save the changes.
Once updated, the system alerts that the information is saved.

The Patient Calendar has some additions to include the Add Weekly Variable Schedule (specific to some markets) and Add a Visit button, located at the top-right of the calendar.
The Add a Visit button allows users to add multiple and recurring visits to the Patient’s calendar.
Icons have been added to the calendar date cells to showcase the Schedule Type (if applicable), Duration, Visit Times, Billed, and Caregiver. Other icons include copy and delete visit.

On the Call Dashboard page, the various buckets are now organized in tabs (1). While all search filter fields are available to select criteria, only essential ones initially display. To see all search filter fields, click + Advanced Filters (2).
On a search result, various icons are displayed indicating available options. In the classic system, a banner would pop up showing the schedule. In the new UI, Click the schedule icon to open the Caregiver Schedule window to view details.
Edit icons are also available on the Caregiver Schedule window to make necessary adjustments to resolve the issues for the call.

While functionality remains the same in the User Account page under Admin > User Management > Search User, some features such as Change Password and Reset Password are now more prominent, as buttons at the top-right of the page. In addition, fields are organized horizontally.
The IP Restricted and Hourly Restricted fields are collapsed to save on screen space. To open these fields, select the applicable checkbox(es) to set restrictions when the fields become available.

In the Edit Office page, fields are organized horizontally. In the General section, several fields have been added to integrate new features, such as Variable Schedule Types and Automatic Splitting of Overnight Shifts.
In the Scheduling section, the Scheduling Alert for No Matching Authorization feature has also been added.