How do I merge members?
You can merge a new patient placement into an existing patient record. The existing patient’s profile pulls information from the new placement, but if a field is already populated in the existing patient profile, the new placement value does not change that existing field.
Follow the steps below to merge a record for a patient with multiple records in the system.
Generate a Patient Search to find a parent Patient Profile to merge records into.
On the Patient General page, click the Merge Patient button to generate a list of possible child records matching the parent record.
The system identifies a potential child record as a match for the parent record when any one of the following are the same:
Medicaid ID
First Name + Last Name + DOB
Click the button in the Select Patient column to select the applicable child record.
Click Accept to submit your request to merge.
For efficiency, the system allows only one request per patient at a time. The system must complete one request before you can start another.
The image below shows the patient’s Medicaid ID in the parent record (top), matching several potential child records (bottom).
When the Confirm window opens, the system alerts you that some information may not transfer to the new record if there is already information in the record that doesn’t match. Click Yes to continue.
When the system reports that the patient merge request is complete, click OK to continue.
On the Patient General page, a record being merged displays a Pending status until the system completes the merge process.
When the merge status shows Pending, you can make updates to both the parent and child records before the merge process is complete.
You can cancel a merge request with a Pending status by clicking Action in the Action column and selecting Cancel.
When the status shows In Progress, the system has locked the record.
When the merge process is complete, you can see visits for both records in the patient calendar.
The system updates invoices to point to the parent record for continuity in scheduling, invoicing, billing, and remittances.