How do I update a Billing Dx (diagnosis) Code for an internal member?
Billing Dx Codes must be available in the system when you generate an invoice so the system can assign a Billing Dx Code to the invoice based on the code’s priority for the Agency and for the Member (Patient).
The Billing Dx Code can be set for a Patient at the Authorization level (highest priority) and at the Contract level (second priority). If no Billing Dx Code is set at either of these Patient levels, the system uses the Billing Dx Code set at the Agency level.

Go to Patient > Authorization to access the Billing Diagnosis Code(s) field.
Dx codes already associated with the Patient from the Agency Contract or from the Patient’s Contract page are displayed and noted in the Billing Diagnosis Code(s) field, as shown in the following image.Information for Billing Dx Codes already associated with the Patient is for reference purposes only. These Codes cannot be edited or deleted. When a new Billing Diagnosis Code is entered, the system removes this information.
Click Add at right to apply a new Billing Diagnosis Code.
On the Authorization Default DX Code page, select the ? link next to the ICD field.
The system assigns the first Dx Code entered here as Primary. After this, you can add Dx Codes as the Primary or Admitting Diagnosis Code. -
On the Diagnosis Search page, search for and select ICD 10 Codes. To add an ICD Code, click the Code link at left, as highlighted in the following image.

Go to Patient > Contract > Additional Options and select Patient Diagnosis Code Override from the list.
When the Patient Diagnosis Code Override page opens, click Add to apply an ICD code. The system displays a note explaining how the system decides which Diagnosis Code to apply to an invoice.
On the Contract Default DX Code page, click the ? link to the right of the ICD field.
On the Diagnosis Search page, search for and select ICD 10 Codes. To add an ICD Code, click the Code link, as highlighted in the following image.
The selected code is displayed.