The MD Order Page
An MD Order is a comprehensive feature containing a Patient’s clinical information such as medications, diagnosis, surgeries, prognosis, mental state and the homecare regiment prescribed by the Physician. Each MD Order must have a Certification and a Med Profile completed in the system.
An MD Order pulls information entered in the Info, Med Profile, and Certification pages.
Any changes to these pages after an MD Order is created is not reflected in the order. Likewise, information edited in the MD Order does not affect the corresponding data on the Clinical pages.
The MD Order is comprised of 5 sections, Demographics, Medications, Other, Order/Goal, Review MD Order covered in the instructions underneath. To ensure all information is included, it is advised to review, add, and verify the information within.

HHAeXchange advises users to review and verify the information on each page and select the Save & Next button to go to the next section or toggle between tabs to access the various pages.
To create an MD Order in the system, follow the steps provided below.
Go to Patient > Patient Search and select a Patient.
Select the MD Orders link from the Index.
Click the Add button to create the MD Order for a Patient.
Select the applicable Certification Period for the MD Order when prompted by the system.
Select the Yes radio button, if the same medication and care regiment (from a previous MD Order) applies to the new MD Order. Click the link provided to verify what was included in a previous order before copying the information.
Click the Save button to proceed.
Only one Certification Period can be selected; not associated or linked to another MD Order.
The Physician Order (MD Order) window opens to the Demographics section as demonstrated in the image below. The Demographics page primarily consists of the information entered on the Info page, such as the Primary DX and Surgical Procedures. If required, users may edit this information, add or remove diagnosis.
The Nurse field is required as well as the Physician Name associated with the Order.
Click the Save & Next button to continue to the next page.
Medications entered on the Med Profile page automatically appear on the Medications section. Review the information. Remove or add medications as applicable to the Order.
Click the Other section (tab) to continue.
The Other page is used to record further information such as supplies, safety measures, limitations, and activities as recommended by the Physician. Refer to the table below the image for further details.
Complete each section as applicable and click the Save & Next button to continue.
DME and Supplies
Durable Medical Equipment (DME) includes items such as canes, wheelchairs, and bedpans. Values/options are entered in the Reference Table Management functionality (Admin > Reference Table Management).
Safety Measures
Precautionary orders in place to prevent a Patient’s accident (such as 24-hour supervision, fall precaution, or Face Mask requirements). Values/options are entered in the Clinical Safety Measures Reference Table (Admin > Office Setup > Search Office > Edit Office > Office Option Setup).
Nutritional Requirements
Select the Patient’s nutritional requirements (as prescribed by the Physician). Values/options are entered using the Clinical Nutritional Requirements Reference Table in the Office Option Setup (as described above).
Functional Limitations
Record the Patient’s functional limitations such as hearing issues or speech problems.
Activities Permitted
Indicate activities the Patient is permitted to engage in
Mental Status
Indicate the Patient’s mental status.
Indicate the Patient’s prognosis
The Orders and Goals section defines the type of therapy a Skilled Caregiver is to provide containing rehabilitative milestones for the Patient to achieve, as prescribed by the Physician. Orders and Goals are unique to each Skilled Caregiver discipline.
Select the applicable discipline and make notes. Click the Save & Next button to continue.
The Review MD Order page provides an overview of the entire MD Order, allowing users to verify the information entered in the previous sections before saving the order.
Click the Save and Print button or the Save and Close button to finalize.
Selecting the Save and Print button initiates a download, creating a PDF copy of the MD Order on the user’s workstation.
Once Printed, the Status changes to Printed.
Selecting the Save & Close button closes the MD Order window and routes back to the Patient MD Order page. The new MD Order record displays.

The following table provides the various Status types and descriptions for MD Orders.
Status |
Description |
In Progress |
The MD Order has been created pending completion. but has not yet been completed or printed. |
Complete |
The MD Order is completed but not yet Printed. |
Printed |
The MD Order has been completed and downloaded to the user’s workstation as a PDF. |
Sent |
The printed MD Order has been sent to the Physician for review and approval. |
Signed |
The MD Order has been signed by the Physician. |

An Interim Order is an addendum to an active MD Order. Interim Orders are issued for changes in medication, the type of service the Patient receives, or the frequency of service. Complete the following steps to enter an Interim Order.
Go to Patient > Patient Search and select a Patient.
Select the Interim Orders link from the Index.
Click the Add button to create an Interim for a Patient.
The Interim Order window opens. Select the required fields marked with a red asterisk.
Cert Period
Select the applicable Certification Period.
Interim Order Dates
The date the Interim Order is issued.
Order Type
Select if a Verbal or Signed Order.
Physician Name
Select the ordering Physician. Note: Upon selection, the Physician’s address and phone numbers populate in said fields.
Select the Patient’s nurse.
Select the reason for the order. The selected Category field determines the remaining fields to complete.
Start Date
The date in which the order is executed.
If multiple Interim Orders are applied to a single Certification Period, select the Merge Interim Order… checkbox at the bottom of the page.
Click the Save button to complete.