Multiple Service Visits
Multiple Service Visits consist of several different billable services, each requiring a unique Service Code.
For example, an Agency sends Caregiver A to Patient B from 08:00 to 13:00. In that visit, the Agency bills as follows:
2 hours of this service for Home Management.
2 hours of this service for Personal Care.
1 hour of this service for Nutrition.
When a Patient requires Multiple Services, the system captures a single Clock-In and Clock-Out (along with Duties) for the visit. The confirmation is applied to all back-to-back visits for that day, and duties are assigned to each visit based on logic covered in this section.
With Multiple Service Duties sorted, continue to setup Service Codes for each category. Complete the following steps to create or edit Service Codes.
Go to Admin > Reference Table Management.
In the Reference Table dropdown, select the Contract Service Code value in the Fiscal section. Click the Add button to create a new Service Code. To edit, click the Service Code link.
The Contract Service Code window opens. Complete the required fields. An Export Code is required to use this function.
Click the Save button to save the Service Code.
Go to Admin > Search Contract and select the Contract authorizing the Multiple Service visits.
Click the Billing Rates tab and then click the on the New Rate button.
The Contract Rate window opens. Complete the required fields. Ensure to select the Service Codes to be used for scheduling Multiple Service visits. Click Save.
With the Duty Categories and Contract Service Codes complete, pair each category with a service code (specifically the Export Code related to the service code) and send the information to HHAeXchange in the following format:
Duty Category
Map to Visits with Export Code
Home Management
Personal Care
Technical Support links, or maps, these values for the Agency.
If an Agency fails to provide the correct Export Codes, the mapping does not function correctly. Furthermore, mapping only works for Multiple Service visits.
To schedule and confirm Multiple Service visits, the Plan of Care (POC) Duties must be configured. Complete the following steps to set up POC Duties.
Go to Admin > Duty List Setup.
Select an existing Duty List Setup or click the New button to create one.
Create or edit Duties of a specific nature under a single Duty Category. Duty Categories allow the system to assign entered Duties to the correct portion of a Multiple Service Visit.
Categorize each Duty to be performed during a Multiple Service visit.
Click Save to finalize.
Patient information needs to be properly configured to schedule Multiple Service visits. This involves designating the Patient as requiring Multiple Service visits, as well as setting up Authorizations that permit each unique service.
An Authorization should be setup for each unique service being provided in a Multiple Service visit. For example, an Authorization must be created for Home Management, Personal Care, and Nutrition. Complete the following steps to create or edit Authorizations.
Go to Patient > Patient Search and select the appropriate Patient.
Select Authorizations/Orders from the left navigation panel.
Click the Edit link to update an existing Authorization or click Add to create a new one.
The Authorization window appears. Complete all required fields. Enter a Service Code that is setup for Multiple Service visit.
Repeat this process until Authorizations have been generated for all Service Codes setup for Multiple Service visits.
The Edit Services page is used to review and manage Multiple Service visits. Complete the following steps to review information on the Edit Services page.
Go to Action > Edit Services.
Select an Office, the Week Ending Date and either a Patient or Caregiver to perform a search.
The search results groups back-to-back visits as a single line item displaying visit details. From here, visits can be manually confirmed. Updated visits are highlighted in orange.
To create additional visits/services, click the Add button. An additional line appears with blank fields to complete.
Click the Save button in line item or at the bottom to save changes.
Complete the following steps to schedule Multiple Service Visits.
Go to Patient > Patient Search and select the appropriate Patient.
Select Calendar from the left navigation panel.
Add a New non-skilled visit on the selected day. Complete all required fields. Ensure to select the correct Service Code.
Repeat Step 3 until all back-to-back visits have been scheduled. Once complete, these appear in a column on the Patient’s Calendar.
When the Caregiver Clocks-IN for the first shift, the system automatically confirms all Start and End times as set up, as follows:
Caregiver Clocks-IN at 1000; system confirms 1200 End time for first service.
System confirms 1200 Start time and 1400 End Time for second service.
System confirms 1400 Start Time for third service; Caregiver Clocks OUT and enters Duties at 1500.
Duties are automatically applied to the correct visit when entered at the end of the third service.
Complete the following steps to set up Multiple Services scheduling for a Patient.