Unassigned Office for Referrals

An Unassigned Office option allows records to be saved without formally selecting an office when creating a new Referral. An Office must be assigned before converting the Referral to a Patient. The Unassigned Referral Office and Update Referral Office permissions must be enabled for the options to be available to an assigned role. Go to Admin > User Management > Edit Roles to enable the permissions for a role.



Unassigned Referral Office

Assign and review Referrals to the Unassigned Office. Without this permission, user is not able to view/assign to an Unassigned Office.

Update Referral Office

Change the Office a Referral is assigned to. Users with this permission, but not the Unassigned Referral Office, can change the Referral’s assigned Office but are not able to assign a Referral to an Unassigned Office.