Edit Visits
There are two ways to edit visits on the Appointments page. Follow the steps in each option type to edit visits from this page.
Go to Visit > Appointments and generate a search to locate the desired visit based on the Patient or Caregiver.
Hover the cursor over the Visit cell and click the Edit icon on the top-right corner of the cell.
The Schedule Time fields open (1) and the Caregiver field turns blue (2). Make the desired edits to the visit by entering a new Schedule Time and/or changing the assigned Caregiver.
Click the to save the changes. Click the to cancel any changes made.
Go to Visit > Appointments and generate a search to locate the desired visit based on the Patient or Caregiver.
Click the Schedule Time of the visit and select View Visit Details from the menu to open the Visit window.
Other options include:
Mark a Missed Visit
Delete Visit
Search for a Caregiver using the Availability Search and Smart Map Availability functions.
On the Visit window (Schedule tab) make the necessary edits and click the Save button.
Follow the steps below to edit multiple visits simultaneously on the Bulk Update function.
On the Appointments grid, hover the cursor over the visit cell and select the blank checkbox on the bottom-right corner. Repeat to select multiple visits.
When one or more visits are selected, two buttons appear directly above the visit cells: Clear Selections and Bulk Update. Select Clear Selections to unselect all visits or Bulk Update to apply a schedule or confirmation change to all selected visits.
Select desired Bulk Update action, make the edits and Save to finalize.
Visits can also be moved by a drag and drop mechanism. Follow the steps below.
On the Appointments grid, hold the left mouse button to lift the entire visit cell.
Drag the cell to the desired cell.
Visits can only be dropped in a grid cell for the same Patient.