Mobile Section in the Admin Office Setup Page

To better manage all Mobile functions in the Enterprise system, go to the Mobile section in the Office Setup page under Admin > Office Setup. All Mobile-related functions are managed in this section. Click the History link to track Mobile configuration activity.

Office Setup: Mobile App Section



Mobile Fixed Visit Verification

If selected, Caregivers with Mobile Access will be able to perform Electronic Visit Verification by using a Security token registered to the Patient.

Mobile GPS Visit Verification

Tolerance Rage: If selected, Caregivers with Mobile Access will be able to perform Electronic Visit Verification by using their GPS enabled smartphone. Tolerance Rage must be set in feet with this is enabled to flag whether user is within acceptable range of Patient residence. For example, if Tolerance Rage is set at 300 ft and Caregiver performs verification while at 305 ft a call maintenance exception will be displayed.

Unbalanced Tolerance

This sets your Provider’s tolerance window for accepting Time and Attendance calls. If the Caregiver attempts to make a visit verification call either before or after this tolerance window, in relation to the visit schedule time, the call with be routed to the Call Maintenance page. For example, setting an Unbalanced Tolerance of 1 hour would allow a Caregiver to successfully call into an 8AM shift from between 7:01AM and 8:59AM.

Open Case Settings

View Open Cases: Viewing open cases shows shift details to Caregivers. In order to submit requests for these visits, Request and Accept Open Cases must be checked off.

Request and Accept Open Cases: Requesting and accepting open cases allows certain Caregivers to submit requests for broadcasted shifts which are available to them.

Acceptance Request Limit: The number entered here will represent the total pending requests a Caregiver can have at one time. Canceled, rejected, and approved request do not count against this number.

Refer to the Case Broadcasting for details and instructions.

Allow Single Clock in/out for Consecutive Shifts (Mobile App)

When there are consecutive shifts for a Single Patient or consecutive shifts for Linked Patients only require the Caregiver to Clock-in and Clock-out. For the Single Patient case, they will be presented with the Carepath (optional), then the Plan of Care for each shift followed by the Signature page (optional).

For Linked Patient cases, for each Patient they will be presented with the Carepath (optional), then the Plan of Care followed by the Signature page (optional).

Refer to the Mobile App Consecutive Shifts for details and instructions on a single Patient; for Linked and Mutual Patients refer to Clock In and Out of Linked and Mutual Visits.

Enable Mobile App Offline Mode

Configure all Caregivers linked to this office to be able to operate without Internet Connectivity. Refer to the Mobile App Offline Mode for more information.

Allow Caregivers to modify Confirmed Time via the Mobile App

This setting controls the ability for the Caregivers linked to this office to be able to edit the Confirmed Time of completed visits.

Mobile Offline Sync Period

Defines the time in hours to sync schedule and Patient data to the Mobile App for offline processing when Internet connectivity is lost. The default period is 24 hours and can be set from 24 hours to 120 hours inclusive.

Allow Caregivers to enter Time via the Mobile App when there is no preexisting EVV

This setting controls the ability for the Caregivers linked to this office to be able to enter a time for visits without a preexisting EVV.

Enable Alternative EVV Workflow

Use the Standard workflow or select an alternative workflow option to satisfy local regulatory requirements.

Allow the Caregiver to view compliance information via the Mobile App

This option allows Caregivers to view Compliance Information on the Mobile App for all disciplines they are configured for so they can be informed of upcoming requirements. This option only applies if you are using the new Compliance Module.

Verification Order

Change the first verification method to display in the EVV workflow.

Require Timesheet if EVV linked to Visit w/out verification

If the Patient did not verify the Visit with the Caregiver then mark the visit as Timesheet Required.

Time in hours that a Caregiver can update Duties after a Patient Visit

Allows the Provider to define the number of hours post-visit that the Caregiver can edit Duties using the HHAeXchange Mobile App. A value of 0 indicates that updates cannot be made by the Caregiver.

Enable the ‘I’m Awake’ button for midnight shifts

This option will display a check-in button on the Visit Details screen after the Caregiver clocks into the shift, and can be clicked throughout the course of the shift to prove they are awake and servicing the Patient.

Extend the Visit End Time to include time to enter duties

Configuration to record the timestamp for the end of the visit when the Caregiver clicks Save after entering duties. If unchecked, the timestamp to designate the end of the visit will be when the Caregiver clicks Clock Out.

Allow Users and Caregivers to use the Chat service

If enabled, the Chat screens in ENT and on the Caregiver’s mobile app will be activated for the selected office otherwise they will be grayed out.

Allow Caregiver to select the visit as a Community visit

Community visit option will allow the Caregiver to visit the patient in the community and will bypass the tolerance test for a visit when linking.

Enable Mobile App Biometric Two Factor Authentication

Requires a mobile enabled Caregiver to provide their login/password and matching Biometric info to validate their identity to gain access to the app.

Enable Unscheduled Visit Service Code Selection

Display a list of Service Codes from the active Authorizations for the Patient that the Caregiver can choose from when performing an Unscheduled Visit.

Enable Unscheduled Visit POC Selection

Display an active POC from the Patient so the Caregiver can add POC duties for unscheduled visits.

Display Other Duties when there are POC Duties assigned

When there are Duties assigned to the Patient display Other Duties on the Mobile app for each visit on the Mobile app.

Display Other Duties when there are no POC duties assigned

When there are no Duties assigned to the Patient display Other Duties on the Mobile App for each visit on the Mobile App.

Remove Unscheduled Visit Capabilities Select to disable the Unscheduled Visit feature in the HHAeXchange Mobile App.

Allow Caregivers to Log Duties After Clock In

When selected, the system will allow Caregivers to log duties after they Clock-In.

Enable Service Selection

Allows the Caregiver to select the Service being provided during the Patient visit.

Patient Confirmation of Visit Times

Allows the Patient to confirm the Start and End Time of the Patient visit.

Patient Confirmation of Service Received

Allows the Patient to confirm the Service being provided by the Caregiver.